Devorah Lev-Tov

Writing ⋅ Editing ⋅ Consulting

Devorah Lev-Tov is a New York City-based writer and editor with 20 years' experience. As an accomplished journalist, she writes about food, travel, luxury, family, wellness, and lifestyle for multiple publications including The New York Times, Vogue, Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, and the Wall Street Journal. She is the author of the recently published 150 Spas You Need to Visit Before You Die. An ex-pat from the publishing world, she was an illustrated nonfiction book editor, with expertise in developmental editing and cookbook/recipe editing. She's eaten her way through North, Central, and South America, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Oceania, and much of the United States. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two sons.

Israel: Yemin Moshe

One of the prettiest neighborhoods in Jeruslam is called Yemin Moshe. It also happens to be the one of the oldest: it was the first neighborhood established outside the Old City walls, back in 1830. It's charecterized by it's iconic windmill and views of the Old City. Now it's full of wealthy people who have beautiful homes and gorgeous gardens. We took a walk there and came away with some beautiful pictures. Enjoy! [slideshow]

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